Children Ministry

Children Ministry

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me...Matthew 19:14

Welcome to BMBCkids, our dedicated children’s program where kids are invited to walk, run, jump and grow their Christian faith. Available every Sunday during morning Sunday School (infant – 6th grade) and morning worship service (infant – Kindergarten) where we provide a safe, responsive and loving environment where your child will feel free to be. The purpose of the children’s ministry at BMBC is to partner with parents to help each child build a strong spiritual foundation while ministering to their individual needs — intentionally engaging children and their families to disciple and raise up a generation of Bible readers who love God and share Jesus. Each lesson is Biblically driven and Christ-centered.

Check-in & Registration

When a child gets checked in by their parents, they receive a personalized name tag with their name, their parent’s name, their date of birth, allergies/health concerns and ID number. An ID tag with their child’s name and number will also be given to the parents. At the time of departure, parents must present the ID tag in order to pick up their child. Once the numbers have been matched, the child may be released to their parents.

FIRST TIME FAMILIES fill out a Visitor Registration Form so we are aware of any allergies or health concerns. Please be sure that all diaper bags, cups, etc. are clearly labeled at the time of check-in.

Family Room

Our Family Room is available during the 9:00am Sunday school and 10:30am worship service for all families from crying babies to antsy big kids that need a break. Inside, a television is available to watch the sermon via live stream. Check it out – next to the nursery!

Nursery (infant – 2 years)

Our nursery is staffed with caring adults who provide a safe and secure environment conducive to the child’s physical, social and spiritual growth. When you are confident in leaving your child in the care of our staff, then you are able to worship with a sense of security. We have taken great care to prepare our nursery room to be the best environment for your child with age appropriate toys and an opportunity to interact with others.

In this department, children are placed in a classroom-based on age and development. We strive to maintain fun and nurturing environments, without allowing any classroom becoming too crowded. Little ones in this age group may be in one of two different rooms, based on the number of children and volunteers in each room. Our classes are divided into the following groups:

  • Infants
  • Toddlers

In order to assist us in giving your child the best possible care, we encourage you to communicate with your child’s caregiver.  Please tell them whether he or she usually eats or sleeps during this time and make sure they are aware of any allergies or other relevant medical information pertaining to your child.

Note: Changing stations are available in both the men’s and women’s restrooms.

Preschool (3 years – Kindergarten)

During services, your child will be in the care of several trained volunteers. Our goal is to encourage preschoolers in a growing, loving relationship with Jesus Christ and others in an atmosphere where they feel a sense of belonging. We present biblical learning materials with a hands-on approach to help establish in the hearts of the children an active faith toward God and His Word. We have designed age appropriate lessons just for them. We teach the simplicity of the Gospel through a variety of stories, crafts, Bible action songs and other activities. Every lesson taught reinforces Biblical truths.

Our curriculum is designed to meet your child where they are cognitively, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially. Through age-appropriate activities, preschoolers are building their spiritual foundation so that by the time they graduate Kindergarten they know these three basic truths:

  • God made me
  • Jesus loves me
  • Jesus wants to be my best friend forever

Primary School (1st grade – 6th grade)

During Sunday School
Our goal is to help each child develop an enduring relationship with God through a tailor made curriculum that incorporates interactive learning, encouragement, friendship and games. Our classes are divided into the following two age groups:

  • 1st–3rd Grade
  • 4th–6th Grade

We use a unique curriculum as an approach to teach around three basic truths every child should embrace according to what Jesus modeled:

  • I need to make wise choices
  • I can trust God no matter what
  • I should treat others the way I want to be treated

Our curriculum is designed to help kids understand how the day’s topic applies to them. They will discuss real-life experiences, interact with a close-knit group of peers, and participate in a variety of activities that appeal to different learning styles.

During Worship Service
The 1st–6th graders attend the morning worship service as a means to worship our Lord and Savor as a family. In aiming to serve our 1st–3rd graders in the service, we will be providing resource bags (Go Bags) for the children to assist them in staying focused and able to grow in the Lord. As you enter the church, a member of our friendly Welcome Team will be in the foyer passing out the “Go Bags.”


Because we value your children, we want to protect them. All volunteers are screened for suitability and skill, which includes a police background check. Please let us know if your child has any allergies or specific needs. Your child’s voice is listened to and acknowledged, creating space for understanding and encouragement through mutual respect.

During Worship Service
If we need to contact a parent during the service for any reason, a volunteer will quietly contact the parent in the worship service.

Child Wellness Policy
Children who are sick are asked to remain out of the nursery and class rooms until they have been fever free for 24 hours as a courtesy to the other children and staff.


If you are interested in making a difference supporting families and children, you should consider volunteering.  Most of our volunteers contribute one Sunday per month.  This means each child has a team of teachers to care for them, instead of one over-extended individual.  We also know that not everyone was built to be a teacher.  There are a variety of different places to contribute and, no matter what your personal strengths and spiritual gifts are, we can find a perfect fit for you. To get involved, simply select the button below to contact us.