Black Mountain Baptist Church
33955 N Cave Creek Rd, Cave Creek, AZ 85331
Directions | Contact Us | 480-488-1975
Eunice Initiative
Phoenix Seminary and The Gospel Coalition Arizona have partnered together to create the Eunice Initiative, a strategic 3-year program aimed at teaching women to teach for generational impact. Phoenix Seminary professors, local pastors, and female leaders will provide a mixture of theological instruction and practical training to equip women to better serve their local…
Sunday School
Sunday School is a great time to get to make connections with people in the church. We offer Bible Classes for all ages – from infant through adult – on Sunday morning at 9:00am. For more information, please visit our Sunday School web page.
Sunday Services
Every Sunday we come together to worship our Savior and grow deeper in our fellowship with God and man. We believe God is reconciling the world to Himself through the person and work of His Son, Jesus Christ. We strive to walk faithfully with one another through the many joys and sorrows of life. We offer a live service on Sundays at 10:30am (typically concludes by…
This ministry exists to reach middle and high school students, to assist them as they develop relationships with other believers, to help them discover God’s plan for their life, and to give them opportunities to serve. For more information on our Refuge student ministry, please view our Refuge web page or contact the Director of Student Ministry.
Prayer Meeting
Join us every Sunday evening at 6:00pm for prayer. For more information, please contact Eric Stephens.
Men’s Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study Tuesdays 7:30 – 8:30am in the BMBC Fellowship Hall Please contact Eric Stephens for more information.
Ladies’ Bible Study
Bible Study For more information, please contact Judi McWhite with any questions.
Connect in the Courtyard
Come meet our Pastors and Ministry Directors in the church courtyard for refreshments and to learn more about BMBC!