Advent 2022 – Exodus 34:6-7
In Jesus Christ we can see God and His full merciful, gracious love.
Advent 2022 – Psalm 16
Joy is only found in the presence of the LORD.
Advent 2022 – Isaiah 26:3-4
Perfect peace isn’t just a wishful dream but a reality in Jesus Christ.
Advent 2022 – 1 Cor 1:20
All the promises of God find their Yes in Jesus Christ.
Acts 15:1-35
Humility (looking to the interest of others) and convictional kindness (holding fast to the gospel with the heart, love and attitude of Christ) are essential for gospel unity.
Acts 14:1-28
No matter the personal cost, be a faithful servant of Christ.
Acts 13:13-52
God’s faithfulness demands a response from you.
Acts 13:1-12
The calling and work of God is authenticated by the Holy Spirit, supported by the local church, and focused on the proclamation of the Word.
Acts 12:1-25
As we face opposition to Jesus and His Word, remember God. No one is greater or stronger than God almighty.
Principles of Warfare
How to bring down the strongholds that are opposing the gospel.