Sermons by Eric Stephens (Page 14)
Philippians 1:18-26
How can we live and die for the glory of Christ Jesus?
Philippians 1:12-18
When advancing the gospel is the foundation and center of our life, some will be encouraged and some will be jealous.
Philippians 1:9-11
Followers of Christ should pray for one another to overflow with discerning love that produces a pure and blameless life for the glory of God.
Philippians 1:3-8
Fellowship in the Gospel should be the foundation of our relationships. And there are three evidences of gospel fellowship: 1) Praying for one another (vv.3-4), 2) Trusting God to complete the work He began (v.6) and 3) Communicating godly affection for one another (vv. 7-8).
Philippians 1:1-2
A joyful identity is experienced in being a SERVANT of Christ Jesus, a SAINT in Christ Jesus, and TOGETHER with other followers of Christ Jesus.
Habakkuk 3:16-19
Joy in the LORD transcends circumstances because the LORD transcends all.
Habakkuk 3:1-15
How can we move from Wondering to Waiting to Worshipping?
Habakkuk 2:6-20
Five examples of NOT living by faith.
Habakkuk 1:12 – 2:5
God’s Ways are not our ways. God’s Time is not our time.
Habakkuk 1:5-11
When it seems God doesn’t care, go to the Lord to voice our concerns and then be silent, listen and humbly receive the Word of the LORD.