Sermons by Eric Stephens (Page 5)
Advent 2022 – 1 Cor 1:20
All the promises of God find their Yes in Jesus Christ.
Acts 15:1-35
Humility (looking to the interest of others) and convictional kindness (holding fast to the gospel with the heart, love and attitude of Christ) are essential for gospel unity.
Acts 14:1-28
No matter the personal cost, be a faithful servant of Christ.
Acts 13:13-52
God’s faithfulness demands a response from you.
Acts 13:1-12
The calling and work of God is authenticated by the Holy Spirit, supported by the local church, and focused on the proclamation of the Word.
Acts 12:1-25
As we face opposition to Jesus and His Word, remember God. No one is greater or stronger than God almighty.
Acts 11:19-30
There are three vital activities of being a Christian: evangelizing, discipling/discipled, and showing mercy.
Acts 9:32-11:18
Our great ambition must be to have alignment with God.
Acts 9:19-31
Tests of faith can result in unexpected peace and growth.
Acts 9:1-19
God can save and change anyone.