Sermons by Eric Stephens (Page 6)
Revelation 4 & 5
To know the Lord God is to know He is worthy of all worship.
Ezra 3:8-13
Remembering the goodness and faithfulness of the LORD is how we stay united when the LORD does a new work.
Genesis 4:1-16
A wrong attitude about the worship of the LORD will show in how we treat others. And yet, the Lord’s grace abounds.
Acts 8:26-40
God is orchestrating the spread of His Church through humble and obedient followers who will share His Gospel.
Acts 8:4-25
The preaching of the gospel brings transformation. But it’s not always clean and instant. Keep preaching nonetheless.
Acts 6:8-8:3
The gospel advances through a Christ-like man preaching a Christ-like sermon and sometimes this results in a Christ-like martyr.
Acts 6:1-7
As problems arise within the church, we have to maintain biblical priorities and share the ministry needs.
Acts 5:12-42
Persistence in the gospel is how we rejoice in the midst of resistance to the gospel.
Acts 4:23-31
You too can be a confident witness for Jesus when you know the Scriptures and pray to the God of the Scriptures
Acts 4:1-22
You too can be a confident witness for Jesus, no matter the threat.