Sermons from 2022 (Page 2)
Acts 12:1-25
As we face opposition to Jesus and His Word, remember God. No one is greater or stronger than God almighty.
Principles of Warfare
How to bring down the strongholds that are opposing the gospel.
Love Jesus
Loyalty to the Messiah requires extravagant worship, as we give unreservedly of ourselves. What honor and blessing awaits you as you begin to give extravagantly of yourself to the king?
Seeking Wisdom
Believers with true wisdom avoid envy and selfish ambition and produce peace and righteousness.
Acts 11:19-30
There are three vital activities of being a Christian: evangelizing, discipling/discipled, and showing mercy.
Acts 9:32-11:18
Our great ambition must be to have alignment with God.
Acts 9:19-31
Tests of faith can result in unexpected peace and growth.
Acts 9:1-19
God can save and change anyone.
Psalm 29
The Lord is worthy of so much more.
Revelation 4 & 5
To know the Lord God is to know He is worthy of all worship.